Esri Nonprofit Specialty
We are excited to announce that DVG has earned the Esri Nonprofit Specialty Certification. This certification is designed to help Nonprofit customers identity companies with a successful track record working with domestic and international Nonprofit organizations as well as certifying DVG’s expert knowledge and alignment with the Esri Nonprofit Organization Program.

The Esri Nonprofit Organization Program provides low-cost access to Esri software, content, and resources that support the mission of the organization. Esri GIS software can transform organizations and provide a mechanism to achieve measurable impact, engage with communities, and advocate for your cause. DVG acts as a trusted partner within the Esri Nonprofit Program geo-enable your organization and achieve your goals. The Nonprofit Program represents a tremendous opportunity for Nonprofits to gain access Esri technology.
Nonprofit Experience
DVG is very proud of our work with Nonprofits, please take a look at one of our recent projects with BirdLife International, an international Nonprofit that focuses on avian conservation