DVG is here at the Esri UC in San Diego! There are lots of great talks lined up for the next few days. We spent the day absorbing all of the new features that are coming, here are some of the highlights

Esri Earth Systems Monitor
- The ability to create focused “sites” within Portal
- One way replication from Portal to AGO
- More algorithms and functionality added to GeoAI and ML capabilities in Pro
- More frequent update of OSM layers.
- Vector feature layers and support for WebGL in 10.6.1 Enterprise
- New Earth Systems Monitor app (see above image) that shows a variety of Living atlas layers and analysis on a global scale.
- Hosted Jupyter Notebooks, and frankly just more evidence that Python is the analytical language of ArcGIS.
- ArcGIS “Solutions”. These are focused solutions to support industry specific workflows (e.g. urban planning). Basically, a focused configuration of software and best practices that can be applied to a particular problem set.