DVG delivers value to customers by doing one thing: focusing on the customer’s needs. That is the secret to our success. This is how we do it.
[ UX/UI Design .05 / .08 ]

UX/UI Design
“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like.
Design is how it works”~ Steve Jobs
User experience (UX) is overall experience you have when you are using or interacting with something. UX focuses on having a deep understanding of users: what they need, what they value, their abilities, as well as their limitations. Implementing UX best practices improves the quality of the user’s interaction with and perceptions of the product and any related services. At DVG, we feel that the experience a user has with a technology solution is directly related to the success of that solution.
User interface (UI) design ensures that an interface has elements that are easy to access, understand and use by bringing together concepts from interaction design, visual design and information architecture. At DVG, we believe that a simple, intuitive interface that works across any platform or device is the most effective way to introduce technology into an organization.
Our process is iterative. After understanding the requirements, we will develop wireframes to visually represent all features and functionality of the application. We will then develop pixel-perfect mockups, and we will keep at it until we design something which works for you.
What can DVG design for you?